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source of hot spring water(湯元)

湯元は自噴式で温度は38度だ。掘ったのは昭和34年、約60年間延々と温泉が出ている。それだけでも驚愕だが、それが敷地内にあることがこれまた驚愕だ。 なにやら霊的効能を感じるのは自分だけだろうか?  The hot water source is self-flowing and the temperature is 38 degrees Celsius. It was dug in 1959, and the hot spring has been flowing for about 60 years. That alone is astonishing, but the fact that it is on the premises is also astonishing. Is it just me or does it seem to have some kind of spiritual effect?

hot spring cure(湯治)

 湯治は健康に良い。自分の体にも合っている。とりあえず大事にしたいものだ自分の体だから。  Hot spring cure is good for your health. It is also good for your body. At any rate, I want to take good care of it, because it is my body.

No matter what you do, you will never be told well.(何をしてもよく言われることはない。)

I often hear someone criticizing others. 誰かが他人を批判していることをよく聞く。 I have been criticized myself from time to time in the past. 自分もこれまで批判されていることが時々あった。 If you do something, there will always be people who think well of it and people who don't. 何か行動を起こせばそれを良く思う人とそうでない人が必ず出てくる。 No matter what you do, it is inevitable that you will be criticized from somewhere. 何をしてもどこからか批判されるのは仕方がない。 The important thing is to act without being swayed by others. 大切なことは他人に振り回されずに行動することだ、

The position we are in is not accidental, but inevitable.(偶然より必然なのだ)

 There are those who say that the state we are in now is not an accident but an inevitability. Inevitability means that it is natural for things to happen this way, so something has worked to bring about the current state of affairs. What should we do to make things better then? Well, it is hard to know immediately what to do, but when we decide to do something good, we should do it immediately without a pause. If we don't do it right away, we often change our minds and stop. Maybe this is what makes this situation what it is. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Some people say that the situation we are in is not a coincidence but an inevitability. To say that it is inevitable means that it is natural for something to happen, so something has worked to bring it to its current state. What should I do to make it better? Well, it's not always easy to know what to do, but if you want to do something good, do it right away. If you don't do it right away, ther

I don't deal with people who say nasty things(嫌なことをういう人は相手にしない)

 相手を不愉快な気分にさせるためにわざと嫌なことを言ったり、SNSに投稿したりする人がいる。こういう人は、人をけなして気分を悪くさせる上に自分は気持ちが良くなってしまうという習性をもっている。 簡単に言うと相手をけなして優越感を味わって自尊心の不足を補おうとしている。こういう人とは出来る限り付き合わないようにするのが正解だ。 google translate There are people who intentionally say nasty things or post on social media to make others feel uncomfortable.Such people have the habit of belittling others and making them feel bad, while making themselves feel better.To put it simply, they are trying to make up for their lack of self-esteem by belittling others and enjoying a sense of superiority. The best thing to do is to avoid dealing with such people as much as possible. DeepL translate There are people who intentionally say nasty things or post them on social networking sites to make others feel uncomfortable.These people have a habit of making people feel bad by belittling them and then making themselves feel better.Simply put, they try to make up for their lack of self-esteem by feeling superior to others by belittling them. The right thing to do i

Bicycle storage at home nursing station(訪問看護ステーションの自転車置き場)

 I am always ready to stand by, but the number of users has been decreasing a bit recently, and it seems that I have to withdraw from this job. It was a little sad, but time will tell, and I will continue to live my life, taking care of myself and my feelings. いつでもスタンバイOKなんですが、この頃、利用者の数が少し減ってきていて、自分はどうやらこの仕事から撤退しなければならないようです。 すこしさびしいものがありましたが、それも時の流れ、自分は自分、自分の気持ちを大事に生きていきたいと思う、

Chuo Expressway Futaba Service Area(中央高速道路双葉サービスエリア

Chuo Expressway Futaba Service Area This is a place to see Ura-Fuji. You can see very beautiful Mt.Fuji. Next time I go there, I will try to take pictures of the different beauty of Mt.Fuji and post them. That said, I have no idea when that will be. Please be patient and wait. On this blog, I'm also studying English on a personal basis, and I'm learning quite a bit. I'm thinking of continuing this style for a while. 中央自動車道・双葉サービスエリア 裏富士を見るならここ。 とても美しい富士山を見ることができます。今度行くときは、富士山のいろいろな美しさを写真に撮って投稿しようと思っています。 とは言っても、それがいつになるかは全く分かりません。気長にお待ちください。 このブログでは、個人的に英語の勉強もしており、かなり勉強になっています。しばらくは、このスタイルを続けていこうと考えています。