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I don't deal with people who say nasty things(嫌なことをういう人は相手にしない)



google translate

There are people who intentionally say nasty things or post on social media to make others feel uncomfortable.Such people have the habit of belittling others and making them feel bad, while making themselves feel better.To put it simply, they are trying to make up for their lack of self-esteem by belittling others and enjoying a sense of superiority.

The best thing to do is to avoid dealing with such people as much as possible.

DeepL translate

There are people who intentionally say nasty things or post them on social networking sites to make others feel uncomfortable.These people have a habit of making people feel bad by belittling them and then making themselves feel better.Simply put, they try to make up for their lack of self-esteem by feeling superior to others by belittling them.

The right thing to do is to avoid associating with these people as much as possible.






Gods are everywhere in Kosei Dormitory(至る所にね)

I have 7 lucky gods. What a lucky inn. Something happy will surely happen. 7福神がお持ちです。なんといったってラッキーな宿屋。きっと幸せなことが起こりますよ。 Masutomi Kosei Dormitory, where you can rest your mind, is a hot spring for your body to become healthy. 心が休まる増富佼成寮はあなたの身体が健康になるための湯やです
