There was an on dining room first floor for guests. It has a very nice feel to it. However, since we are taking the initiative in separating the inn and dining room, the number of guests using it has decreased considerably. This is a trend of the times, so I think it can't be helped. I have high expectations for the future management of this facility.The seasonal scenery is very beautiful and you can feel the seasons. I am sure that you will be satisfied with your stay in a hot-spring cure. (deepl Translation)
ゲスト用のダイニングルーム1階がありました。 とてもいい感じです。 しかし、率先して旅館と食堂を分離してから、利用客はかなり減りました。 これは時代の流れなので仕方ないと思います。 四季折々の景色がとても美しく、四季を感じられる施設です。 湯治でのご滞在にきっとご満足いただけると思います。